Coping during the holidays

The holiday season is supposed to be a time full of joy, parties and gatherings with friends and families. But the holidays can be a difficult time for many persons dealing with:Personal Grief, Loneliness, Illnesses of all Kinds, Economic Concerns, Separation From Family Members and Relationship Issues Like Separation or Divorce.

Neuroimaging of Trauma (NeT) Research Study

The Neuroimaging of Trauma (NeT) study uses neuroimaging to understand more about how exposure to traumatic experiences in early adulthood affects the brain. Participants will be asked to come to the San Francisco VA Medical Center for several research tests, including a psychological interview, blood tests, and an MRI of the brain on 4 separate days, over the course of two weeks to 1 month. 

Community Conversations

My community. My voice. Our change Please join us for a Community Conversation group focused on the mental health and substance use service needs of the community on Feb 12th, 2022. NAMI Santa Clara County is collaborating with the Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services Department to host a Community Conversation focus group to gather community input…

Dr. Manpreet Singh

Dr. Manpreet Singh Discusses Family-Focused Psychotherapy for At-Risk Youth Vulnerable to Bipolar Disorder

By Moryt Milo When Dr. Manpreet Singh, associate professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine, talks about the future for those with bipolar disorder, she is optimistic that early intervention and prevention can change the outcome for at-risk youth. Evidence from her clinical studies shows that family-focused psychotherapy can reduce…

Living and Working with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) is Doable, According to Marjorie Baldwin

By Moryt Milo Life has a funny way of testing one’s mettle. Marjorie Baldwin, then professor at East Carolina University, never imagined her years of research in employment discrimination toward those with disabilities would turn personal. Yet that’s exactly what happened fourteen years into her career when her son was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Baldwin’s work…