In Santa Clara County, state and county-funded mental health and social services are provided either directly by the County, or by non-profit agencies who contract with the County. Referrals to these agencies for county funded services are made by the Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services Department and clients must be on Medi-Cal. Contact the County BHSD call center at 1-800-704-0900, option 2 for more information.
Full Service Partnerships (FSPs) are the means by which California funds and California counties provide mental health services. The FSP model employs a “whatever it takes” recovery approach and offers a range of services, including intensive therapy, case management, rehabilitation, and medication support for clients. In Santa Clara County, FSP services may be provided directly by the County or by non-profit agencies who contract with the County. Multi-disciplinary FSP “Service Teams” consist of doctors, psychiatrists, therapists, case managers, and others who help coordinate and customize mental health care for each client. All assignments to FSPs are made by the Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services Department, and clients must be on Medi-Cal. Contact the County BHSD call center at 1-800-704-0900, option 2 for more information.
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