If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. There are many supports, services and treatment options that may help. A change in behavior or mood may be an early warning sign of a mental health condition and should never be ignored. NAMI Santa Clara County offers peer-led, free programs. With the unique understanding of people with lived experience, these education programs and support groups provide outstanding free education, skills training and support. Call the NAMI Helpline for more information.
408-453-0400 x1 Mon – Fri 10AM-6PM; Walk-Ins Mon – Fri 10AM-2PM
After hours, leave message for call back
Or email: info@namisantaclara.org
Every year people overcome the challenges of mental illness to do the things they enjoy. Through developing and following a treatment plan and effective coping strategies, you can dramatically reduce many of your symptoms. Read more about NAMI Education programs below, designed to equip you towards wellness and recovery.
- NAMI Connection Support Group – Adults living with mental illness share and support each other.
- NAMI Peer to Peer Classes – 9-week experiential course focusing on recovery for individuals 18 and over (English and Spanish). Info: ptp@namisantaclara.org
- NAMI Community Peer Program – Peer Connectors and Peer Mentors work with participants on health and wellness.
Family members and caregivers often play a large role in helping and supporting individuals with a mental illness. Whether you’re providing a lot of assistance or very little, these programs can help you better understand how to best support your loved one.
- NAMI Family Support Group – NAMI-format family support groups in 4 languages (English, Spanish, Mandarin, Korean).
- NAMI Family to Family Classes – 9-week course for family members who have a loved one with a mental illness (English, Spanish, Mandarin and Korean).
- NAMI Basics – 6-week course for parents and caregivers of minors who have a mental illness. Complete it online from the comfort of your home, at your own pace. Register for BASICSOnDEMAND at https://basics.nami.org
- NAMI Homefront Online– NAMI Homefront Online is a 6-week online course designed specifically to help families of military service members and veterans living with mental health conditions. The course enables these family members to better understand the challenges faced by these veterans/service members and improves their ability to care for their veteran or service member.
Education Class for Mental Health Providers offering unique perspectives and skill training to develop enhanced empathy for their daily challenges and recognize the importance of collaborative care.
NAMI Provider Education – 5-week course for professionals who work with clients who have a mental illness.
The course will demonstrate Principles of Empowerment and Strength-Based Collaboration and emphasize the use of the Bio-Psycho-Social Perspective necessary for a global understanding of neurobiological brain disorders. It provides a full appreciation of the consequences of these serious illnesses on persons living with these illnesses.
Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Department sponsors this course which is provided at no cost for mental health providers in Santa Clara County. This course provides 15 CEU credits.
To learn more and to register for this course, email course coordinator at providercourse@namisantaclara.org
- NAMI Ending the Silence – Presentations for high school students, teachers or parents about mental illness.
- NAMI In Our Own Voice – Presentations by trained peers* consumer-presenters to groups of peers*, family members, community groups, colleges and professionals.
- NAMI FaithNet — Information resource for faith communities. Offers training for faith leaders on creating a mental health friendly faith community.
- NAMI General Meeting — NAMI Santa Clara County invites a reputable community expert to speak about one of the critical areas which directly impact the quality of life for those affected by a mental illness. This monthly General Meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about mental illness.
*Peers -Persons living with a mental health condition