Welcome to NAMI! These documents and links are an excellent introduction to the many mental health-related programs, services and events that NAMI Santa Clara County offers free of charge to our local community. The NAMI Helpline mails or hands out a hard copy Welcome Package to people new to our services. For your convenience, here are online versions of the same documents.
NAMI Welcome Package Includes:
- Welcome Letter – Greetings and introduction to NAMI Santa Clara County from the Executive Director
- Anosognosia Fact Sheet – Information about “lack of insight” into mental illness
- How to navigate a mental health crisis – Download this document to learn what to do when your loved one has a mental health emergency. NAMI developed this guide to support people experiencing mental health crises, their friends and families by providing important, sometimes lifesaving information. This guide outlines what can contribute to a crisis, warning signs that a crisis is emerging, strategies to help de-escalate a crisis and resources that may be available for those affected. Also included is information about advocating for a person in crisis along with a sample crisis plan.
- Current NAMI Resource Guide and Newsletter – The Resource Guide contains crisis and community referral information, NAMI education classes and programs, and a list of support groups for individuals and their families offered by NAMI and other organizations. The monthly Newsletter contains information on current NAMI news and events.
- NAMI Peer-to-Peer program – Detailed description of NAMI’s free, nationally recognized education course for people living with mental health challenges
- NAMI Family-to-Family program – Detailed description of NAMI’s free, nationally recognized education course for family and friends of someone with mental health challenges
- Helpline Information – Describes our Helpline contact information and services. Check out our HelpIne FAQs.
Recommended Books
The following excellent books are recommended by NAMI Santa Clara County, especially for people new to dealing with mental illness. They are available at the NAMI office (1150 S. Bascom Ave, Suite 24, San Jose; open M-F, 10 am – 2 pm) for a $20 donation, or you can order them on Amazon.com or another book website:
- NAMI Guide to Navigating Mental Illness: You are Not Alone by Dr. Ken Duckworth
For a Consumer (someone with a mental health challenge):
- Getting Your Life back Together When You Have Schizophrenia by Roberta Temes, PhD
- The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide by David J. Miklowitz, PhD 3rd edition
For Family Members and Friends:
- I am not Sick I Don’t Need Help by Xavier Amador, PhD 10th edition (In English and Spanish) – Very helpful communication guide. (Free Download HERE)
- Surviving Schizophrenia by E. Fuller Torrey, MD 5th edition
- When Someone You Love has a Mental Illness by Rebecca Woolis, MFT (In English and Spanish)
- The Family Guide to Mental Health Care by Lloyd I. Sederer, MD 1st edition.