The following is a collection of links and resources related to various mental illnesses and associated conditions and issues, as well as resources related to different populations, such as children and adolescents, veterans, and seniors.

Contents on this page:

Resources by Mental Health Conditions

Understanding Anxiety: Information about various anxiety disorders, including statistics and charts outlining the difference between everyday anxiety and a disorder.

NAMI National on Anxiety Disorders: Outlines symptoms, types, and treatments for various types of anxiety disorders.

Self Help Strategies for GAD: Steps to take to help cope with generalized anxiety disorder.

Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia: The ADAA explains the link between anxiety, panic disorder, and agoraphobia.

Panic Disorder: NIMH explains the signs and symptoms of panic disorder, as well as medically accepted treatments. Information about anxiety in children—including indicators of serious or excessive anxiety—and about types and causes of anxiety and ways to treat the condition. The website also includes tips for parents and educators and a list of media resources.

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CHADD: Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) is a national organization providing education, advocacy and support for individuals with ADHD.

ADD & ADHD Health Center: ADHD affects an estimated 3% to 5% of children and adults in the U.S. Get ADD and ADHD information here including its causes, diagnosis, and promising treatment.

ADDitude: ADDitude Magazine’s online website with information, strategies and support for persons with ADHD and LD (Learning Disabilities), and for their loved ones.

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Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: DBSA provides hope, help, support, and education to improve the lives of people who have mood disorders. Local DBSA chapters offer support groups and education programs for people with mood disorders and for their families and friends.

Living Successfully with a Mood Disorder: This is a course provided by Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) for both individuals with mood disorder and their caregivers to learn about the illness and treatment and to create a plan to successfully manage their symptoms and live well. BP Magazine’s award-winning online community, which seeks to increase awareness of Bipolar Disorder and provide hope and empowerment to those in the Bipolar community (people with Bipolar Disorder, along with their families, caregivers, and health-care professionals).

Bipolar Network News: The latest news on bipolar disorder research and treatment.

The International Society for Bipolar Disorders: An excellent general website on Bipolar Disorder including “Rays of Hope,” a comprehensive online manual.

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National Education Alliance for BPD: NEA-BPD provides information and family support programs related to BPD. NEA-BPD offers Family Connections®, a 12-week education course for people in a relationship with someone who has BPD. This class is currently offered via Zoom. To register for the class, complete the NEA-BPD online Family Connections Registration Form.

Emotions Matter: A non-profit organization created by a network of families and individuals affected by borderline personality disorder (BPD) that offers support groups, education, and treatment resources for individuals impacted by BPD, families, and professionals.

Moving ForwardThis website by Randi Kreger (author of the book Stop Walking on Eggshells) is a support and information group who people who have a loved one with borderline or narcissistic personality disorder and want to move forward with their life. The site includes several support groups.

BPD Resource Center: The Borderline Personality Disorder Resource Center of New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center maintains a database of clinicians, agencies, and facilities nationwide with experience in the treatment of BPD and co-existing disorders.

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PsychopathyIs:  This website lists information and treatment resources for personality spectrum disorder such as antisocial personality disorder and conduct disorders where the individuals have symptoms of Limited Prosocial Emotions, such as callousness, uncaring, and lack of remorse. This website lists treatment options and aids to find the right therapist for your needs.

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Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) strives to empower individuals struggling with depression and bipolar, and offers a wealth of resources, including downloadable educational materials and self-help tools. In addition, DBSA provides an informative guide to finding the right treatment, and offers a support group locator with online and in-person chapters across the United States.

DBSA Silicon Valley:  DBSA Silicon Valley is a local chapter serving the Silicon Valley with peer-led support group meetings, wellness tools, and resource information for the South Bay area. See DBSA Silicon Valley’s meeting calendar for local bay area peer and family/friends support groups.

Families for Depression Awareness: FFDA is a comprehensive resource for families coping with depressive issues. A nationwide nonprofit organization that strives to inform the general public about the signs and symptoms of depression, FFDA also offers much-needed support to depressed individuals and their families. In addition to news, interviews with experts, and training webinars, FFDA offers a “depression wellness analyzer” feature, “mental health family tree” tool, and a “depression and bipolar test.”

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NAMI Dissociative Disorders Page: Outlines symptoms, types, and treatments for various types of dissociative disorders.

Dissociation and Dissociative Disorders: Mental Health America’s explanation of dissociative disorders, including what dissociation is, how common the disorders are, and treatments for the disorders.

Dissociative Identity DisorderSymptoms and treatment for dissociative identity disorder.

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Eating Disorders Resource Center (EDRC): Phone: 408-356-1212. Address: 15891 Los Gatos Almaden Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95032 – The EDRC is a non-profit organization that links resources, information and support for eating disorders in Silicon Valley, by offering an online resource directory, responses to emails and calls, monthly support groups, and education and outreach.

NIMH on Eating Disorders: Signs, symptoms, and treatment of different types of eating disorders: NEDA’s take on treatment of and recovery from eating disorders.

NAMI Eating Disorders page: NAMI National’s page providing an overview of eating disorders, including symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.

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NAMI Obsessive Compulsive Disorder page: Provides comprehensive information about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, including an overview, treatment and support options, and a discussion forum.

International OCD Foundation: Provides information about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and related disorders, a nation-wide OCD resource directory, awareness and informational events, and a quarterly newsletter.

OCD San Francisco Bay AreaA community of those who suffer from, care about, and treat people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and other related disorders.

Peace of Mind Foundation: Non-profit organization focused on improving the lives individuals living with OCD and their caregivers through research, education, advocacy, and support. They offer valuable resources, such as informative webinars on living with OCD, treatment options and links to support groups. A very helpful website for people with OCD and their families.

San Francisco Task Force on Compulsive Hoarding: This website has links to support groups for people with Hoarding Disorder.

Stanford Rodriguez Lab OCD ResourcesProvides resources on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for both mental health professionals and the public, including disorder description, OCD organizations and research.

Stanford Rodriguez Lab Hoarding Disorder ResourcesProvides resources on Hoarding Disorder for both mental health professionals and the public, including disorder description, treatment, support groups, research, OCD organizations and associated services (such home organizing, cleaning, and disposal).

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U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs PTSD Mobile Apps: VA-developed free mobile applications (apps) that provide self-help, education and support following trauma, for persons with PTSD and their family members. They also have treatment companion apps for health care providers that make treatment easier. There are apps for both iOS and Android devices. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Non-profit organization guide to PTSD information, support, self-help, support, resources and referrals, including “Helping Someone With PTSD. For help locating a trauma therapist in the U.S., treatment center, or support group in your area, contact the Traumatic Stress Institute (incorporating Sidran Resource & Referral).

National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA) National organization offering support and education on issues related to childhood abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect.  See list of groups and services in California.

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Overview of Psychosis & Schizophrenia Symptoms & Treatment: PsychCentral’s pages on schizophrenia, with basis information, articles and forums on current topics and searchable directory of therapists.

Treating Psychosis: This website is a great resource for people living with psychosis and their friends and family. This website provides helpful, up-to-date information, resources and videos about psychosis and a variety of psychotherapy options proven to help people living with psychosis. Check out their Resource section.

Schizophrenia and Psychosis Action Alliance (formerly SAARDA): A resource for patients and caregivers affected by schizophrenia. Helpline, support programs, education, collaboration, and advocacy.

Rays of Hope: a comprehensive online manual on schizophrenia from the Schizophrenia Society of Canada.

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NAMI Schizoaffective Disorder PageNAMI National explains schizoaffective disorder, including symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.

Wikipedia Page on Schizoaffective Disorder

The Difference Between Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder: Article explaining how schizoaffective disorder differs from schizophrenia

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SAMHSA’s Evidence-Based Practice Resource Center – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has downloadable guides with information and resources for people living with dual diagnosis, their families and health providers.  – Good resource for dual diagnosis. This website has information about addiction, treatment process, cost and a searchable database of treatment centers in the country.

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Other Useful Mental Health Links

Parents Helping ParentsPhone: 408-727-5775, Address: 1400 Parkmoor Ave, Suite 100, San Jose, CA 95126 – PHP helps children and adults with special needs (including emotional disabilities) receive the support and services they need by providing information, training, and resources. They provide information on the school Special Education (IEP) process and have monthly support groups for caregivers of children and teens with depression, anxiety, and/or mood disorders.

REACH (Raising Early Awareness & Creating Hope): Phone: 885-273-2248 or – Santa Clara County program funded by the Mental Health Services Act to provide education for the community in early detection and prevention of psychosis in youth. “We work with young people ages 10-25 and their families to build support and promote success in relationships, education, and employment.”

ASPIRE (After-School Program Interventions and Resiliency Education): Phone: 650-988-8468 or 650-962-5855 – An intensive, six-week, 4-days/week after-school treatment program at El Camino Hospital for teenage youths with significant anxiety, depression, or other mental health symptoms. The group-based acute program’s primary goal is to help adolescents achieve emotional wellness, using treatments such as DBT and expressive arts. The program includes individual therapy, group sessions and activities, as well as family involvement. Accepts Medi-Cal, Medicare with approval, and private insurance (such as Blue Cross/Blue Shield).

Child Mind Institute: An independent, national non-profit dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders. They provide information and research for parents, educators, and professionals.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health: Learn about how depression affects children and adolescents and the direction of future research from the National Institute of Mental Health.

5 Signs Your Teen Needs Mental Health Treatment: An article describing 5 key symptoms to watch for in your adolescent child.

Office of Adolescent Health: A division of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Approximately one out of five adolescents has a diagnosable mental health disorder, and nearly one third show symptoms of depression. Warning signs aren’t always obvious.

Center for Parent Information and Resources: (CIPR) serves as a central resource of information for families of children with disabilities (including emotional disabilities). Provides information on child and adolescent mental illness, and specific information on school-based accommodations and treatment for “emotional disturbance” disabilities.

Lives in the Balance: Founded by Dr. Ross Greene, originator of the evidence-based Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) model for working with behaviorally challenging kids, at home and in schools, Lives in The Balance offers resources for educating parents and school personnel on what works (collaborative problem solving) and doesn’t work (punishment and tough love) when helping these children.

WorryWiseKids: Website about anxiety in children—including indicators of serious or excessive anxiety—and about types and causes of anxiety and ways to treat the condition. The website also includes tips for parents and educators and a list of media resources.

Peer Resources for Teens and Adolescents

Crisis Text Line* – [text HELLO to 741741] Free 24/7 emotional and crisis support for teens (or people of any age). Text 741741 anywhere in the US to talk to a trained crisis counselor.

The LGBTQ Youth Space: A Program of Family & Children Services, with a community drop-in center and mental health program for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning and ally youth and young adults ages 13-25 who live in Santa Clara County. This web site also has a page of other LGBTQ resources.

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NAMI for Veterans and Active Duty: NAMI National describes the major mental health concerns for Military Veterans and Active Duty personnel, transitioning to civilian, and how to recognize problems and obtain help and support.

VA Mental Health Home: Authoritative mental health information and resources for Veterans and their families, including a crisis line, screening tools, and information on how to get help.

SAMHSA Veterans and Military Families: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration leads efforts to ensure that American service men and women and their families can access behavioral health treatment and services.

Military and Veteran Caregivers and Partners: The MVCN supports caregivers of all ages, eras and stages, offering peer support and access to partner organizations’ resources and services, with the goal of increasing caregivers’ connectedness, hopefulness, wellness, knowledge and skills.

Veteran’s Crisis Line Phone: 988, press 1; Text: 838255; or chat online – Veteran’s Crisis Line is a hotline for veterans run by the US Department of Veteran Affairs. Provides support with PTSD, traumatic brain injury, military sexual trauma, family or relationship issues, and more. Free to use, and is open to veterans who are not registered with the VA.

San Jose Vet Center Phone: 408-574-9200, Address: 5855 Silver Creek Valley Place, Third Floor 3A, San Jose 95138 – Provides services to eligible veterans, including individual, group, and family counseling; medical referrals; PTSD evaluations; alcohol & drug treatment referrals; employment counseling; and benefits assistance.

I Need Help for Veterans:  – County Office of Supportive Housing  Links to shelters and supportive services.

HomeFirst’s Boccardo Reception Center: Phone: 408-786-8538 – Offers the most comprehensive services for homeless veterans in the County, including mental health counseling, employment placement, emergency shelter, transitional housing, and support for families of veterans who are at risk of homelessness.

Office of Veterans Services Phone: 408-918-4980, Address68 N. Winchester Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95050 – Assists veterans through the processes necessary to qualify for disability compensation, non-service connected pension, health care, burial and other benefits from the United States Office of Veterans Services

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Sourcewise: Since 1973, Sourcewise has provided services and support to seniors in Santa Clara County. Recently expanded to include persons with disabilities and all adults. Offers information and referral, health insurance counseling and advocacy, and senior care management, employment and nutrition services.

Older Adult Prevention and Early Intervention Program (PEI):  Part of Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Adult and Older Adult Specialty Services, PEI provides services for elders 60+ who have never obtained mental care in Santa Clara County, including therapy, rehabilitative counseling, support groups, psychological assessments, psychiatric services, medication, case management. Services available in English and Spanish. Accept Medi-Cal and Medicare only. To request services, contact Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Call Center, Phone: 800-704-0900, Option 2.

MedlInePlus Older Adult Mental Health: This page provides links to authoritative websites related to mental illness in older adults.

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The Q Corner: Phone: 408-961-4497, Address1870 Senter Rd, San Jose 95112 – a peer-driven, Behavioral Health Services Department program dedicated to supporting the LGBTQ+ community and their friends, families, and allies, in Santa Clara County. Services are free.

The LGBTQ Youth Space: Phone: 408-343-7940, Community drop-in center and mental health program for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning and ally youth and young adults ages 13-25, living in Santa Clara County. Also offers confidential counseling services.

Santa Clara County maintains a comprehensive list of LGBTQ+ resources, including peer and family support and behavioral health resources.

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NAMI Santa Clara County General Meeting: NAMI Santa Clara County brings a reputable community expert on the first Tuesday of each month to speak about one of the critical areas which directly impact the quality of life for those affected by a mental illness.This monthly General Meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about mental illness. Upcoming General Meeting topics are announced in the Current NAMI SCC Newsletter

Stanford Medicine Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds: Weekly presentations by and for psychiatry professionals designed to inform them of emerging clinical research and evidence-based practice guidelines to help critically analyze current psychiatric practice methods, and to promote excellence and quality in clinical care. These presentations assume a high level of clinical knowledge, but are open to the general public.

The Mental Illness Happy Hour: A weekly online podcast that interviews comedians, artists, friends, and the occasional doctor. Each episode explores mental illness, trauma, addiction and negative thinking. Comedian Paul Gilmartin hosts a weekly, hour-long audio podcast consisting of interviews with artists, friends and the occasional doctor. Paul’s hope is that the show and this website will give people a place to connect, smile and feel the return of hope.

Invisibilia: Invisibilia is Latin for “the invisible things.” We explore the invisible forces that shape human behavior — things like ideas, beliefs, assumptions and emotions. In this podcast by NPR, we weave incredible human stories with fascinating new psychological and brain science, in the hopes that after listening, you will come to see new possibilities for how to think, behave and live.

NAMI Blog: Maintained by NAMI National, this blog offers monthly articles on mental health related topics.

U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs PTSD Mobile Apps: VA-developed free mobile applications (apps) that provide self-help, education and support following trauma, for persons with PTSD and for their family members. They also have treatment companion apps for health care providers that make treatment easier. There are apps for both iOS and Android devices.

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SAMHSA Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator: An on-line source of information from SAMHSA (the federal Behavioral Health agency) for persons seeking treatment facilities in the United States or U.S. Territories for substance abuse/addiction and/or mental health problems.

Psychology Today Therapy Search: Find detailed professional listings for psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, counselors, teletherapy (online, phone, video), support groups, and treatment centers in the United States and Canada.

California Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers: Treatment Centers Directory is a complete directory of drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers in California.

Find a CBT Therapist: ABCT (Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies) CBT Therapist search site. Search by zip code and/or state, radius, specialty, Insurance, and telehealth.

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County Mental Health Self-Help Centers: Operated by and for mental health consumers, these Centers provide a safe, confidential and supportive environment for those dealing with mental illness. Services include peer-supported events and social activities, 1 on 1 peer support, and WRAP (Wellness Recover Action Plan) groups.

National Empowerment Center: This site presents information and resources that carry a message of recovery, empowerment, hope and healing to people with lived experience with mental health issues, trauma, and and/or extreme states.

National Coalition for Mental Health RecoveryNCMHR is a national coalition of mental health consumer/survivor organizations that advocates for voice in the development and implementation of health care, mental health, and social policies at the state and national levels.

SAMHSA Recovery and Support pages: Federal agency that leads public health efforts to advance behavioral health of the nation. Learn how recovery-oriented care and recovery support systems help people with mental and/or substance use disorders manage their conditions successfully.

Resources to Recovery: Offers families guidance, support and information on the best practices and providers in recovery-oriented mental health care.

Dealing with Cognitive Dysfunction: An excellent handbook from the New York State Office of Mental Health about dealing with the cognitive dysfunction often associated with psychiatric disabilities.

National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse:  Provides current information on mental health and consumer/survivor issues, news sources, funding opportunities and the most recent developments in the consumer/survivor movement. They list resources like self-help advocacy guides and training materials, as well as links to other consumer organization.

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7 Cups is a website (and also a mobile app) providing free support to people experiencing emotional distress by connecting them with non-professional listeners trained in active listening. The listener interacts with the person seeking help via anonymous and confidential chat.  Listeners are rated by peers and those to whom they listen. 7 Cups also provides chat support groups and referrals to therapists.  View the 7 Cups Flyer.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: Maintains a list of local support groups.

My Support Forums is an online community of psychology, personality, and mental health support group forums.

Mental Health America: Gives a list of local support groups and much useful information.

Take Action for Mental Health: Take Action for Mental Health is the campaign for California’s ongoing mental health movement. The primary goal for Take Action for Mental Health is to help Californians support their mental health and the mental health of people they care about.

The Mighty: A digital health community created to empower and connect people facing health challenges and disabilities, that offers stories that inspire people and help improve the lives of people facing disease, disorder and disability. Discussion topics include mental health.

Treatment Advocacy Center: A national nonprofit organization working to eliminate barriers to timely treatment of severe mental illness.

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About Mental Illness: from the NAMI National website.

Mental Health Information: Information from the National Institute of Mental Health that answers many common questions about mental illness. a website from the Department of Health and Human Services that provides information about the signs of mental illness, how individuals can seek help and how communities can host conversations about mental health.

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): The lead federal agency for research and public education on mental disorders.

PsychCentral: Since 1995, the Internet’s largest and oldest independent mental health social network run by mental health professionals offering information and resources. Consumer mental health site, providing comprehensive information on psychological disorders and psychiatric medications from both a consumer and expert point of view. Offers social support, online psychological tests, mental health news, mental health videos, a live mental health tv and radio show and more.

Mental Health America (MHA): A community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and to promoting mental health for all, including prevention, early identification and intervention for those at risk, and integrated care and treatment with recovery as the goal.

Brain & Behavior Research Foundation: (Formerly NARSAD) – a mental health research foundation website that offers some of the most current information on mental health research studies, articles and news.

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The Merck Manual Consumer Version: Learn about classification and diagnosis of mental illness symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

DSM Psychiatric Diagnosis – (from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – DSM-IV): An online abbreviated consumer version of the main diagnostic reference for mental health in the USA.

PubMed: PubMed ( is a free resource developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine® (NLM). It provides free access to MEDLINE which is NLM’s database of citations and abstracts in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care systems, and preclinical sciences.

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Mental Health Medications: NAMI National website list of common psychiatric medication, by generic name order. From this page, you can link to a wealth of other related information (how to select psychiatric medications, risks, side effects, other considerations). provides independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products.

National Library of Medicine: Learn about your prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines. Includes side effects, dosage, special precautions, and more.

SAFEMEDICINES Safe Savings: Offers general prescription drug savings ideas, with links to Prescription Assistance Programs for those who cannot afford medications.

NeedyMeds: Non-profit web site listing Patient Assistance Programs that help people afford medications and health care costs.

Partnership for Prescriptions Assistance: Helps qualifying patients without prescription drug coverage get medicines for free or nearly free.