NAMI Santa Clara County is a 501(c) (3) non-profit volunteer organization (Tax ID #94-2430956) dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with mental illness and their families through support, education and advocacy. NAMI Santa Clara County is the local affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and NAMI California.  Your generous donation helps families and consumers in Your Affiliate County. Below are some examples of how donations are put into action at NAMI Santa Clara County:


Click HERE to learn about the impact of your donations

You can choose to make a one-time donation or spread your donation over an year by choosing “recurring donation” option below. If you wish to become a member of NAMI Santa Clara County and receive the latest mental health updates and other member benefits, please go to How to become a member page.

One Time Donation

Donate any amount you wish.


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Recurring Donation

Use this form to donate on a monthly basis.

Repeat for:
payments every month

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Donation Via Check

To make a donation via check, please address the check to NAMI SCC and send it by mail to:
1150 S. Bascom Ave., Suite 24
San Jose, CA 95128

NAMI Santa Clara County Thanks You!

Federal Tax ID: # 94-2430956