Lectures by Sir Robin Murray

Renowned British researcher Sir Robin MacGregor Murray, MD, will be giving four public lectures in the SF Bay Area. Dr. Murray is the professor of Psychiatric Research at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College, London and one of the most influential researchers in psychiatry today.  All events are free. Download printable PDF file “Psychosis: Update on…

NAMIWalks Silicon Valley

NAMIWalks Silicon Valley We welcome anyone interested in joining our NAMIWalks SV SCC committee. We are working on all the details of the walk, and welcome your participation. For more information: Contact Walk Manager: Shanna Webb  swebb@namisantaclara.org 408.453.0400 x3125 FAX 408.453.2100 For general volunteer information click here. Attachments NAMIWalks_silicon_valley (23 kB)SVfoot_med (25 kB)

Gen Meeting Residents’ Rights Workshop February 9, 2016

Disability Rights California and the Consumer Affairs program under Santa Clara County Behavioral Health will present a Residents’ Rights Workshop. This workshop will focus on informing consumers and families about their rights in licensed adult residential facilities (board and care homes), as well as relevant landlord tenant protections in licensed and unlicensed community facilities. The…

General Meeting: Creativity and Mental Illness, Dr. Sheri Johnson – Jan 12, 2016

Dr. Sheri Johnson will describe biographical & experimental studies on mood disorders and creativity. Particularly clear evidence suggests that creativity, of many different forms, is high among family members of those with bipolar disorder and those with minor experiences of manic symptoms. Mechanisms and theories about this link will be described. Dr. Johnson is a…

Silicon Valley Independent Living Center Services Workshop – Jan 26, 2016, 4-5 pm

Overview and Housing Search & Assistance  Description: This one hour workshop will provide an overview of SVILC’s services to the cross-disability community in Santa Clara County and in-depth housing search assistance including; • Basic overview of tenant/landlord rights and responsibilities • SVILC resources for conducting an effective housing search • Community resources available for housing…

General Meeting, September 2015: Judge Richard J. Loftus. Presentation: Mentally Ill and the California Justice System.

NAMI Santa Clara County in collaboration with Good Samaritan Hospital brings a reputable community expert to speak about one of the critical areas which directly impact the quality of life for those affected by a mental illness. This monthly General Meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about mental illness. The General Meeting is…