Coping during the holidays

The holiday season is supposed to be a time full of joy, parties and gatherings with friends and families. But the holidays can be a difficult time for many persons dealing with:Personal Grief, Loneliness, Illnesses of all Kinds, Economic Concerns, Separation From Family Members and Relationship Issues Like Separation or Divorce.


Illness to Wellness: I to We by Father Brendan McGuire

Father Brendan McGuire, St. Simon Catholic Church, Los Altos, CA Illness to Wellness: I to We   “Master, I want to see.” Irony is defined as the deliberate use of opposites or contradiction to emphasize or to make a point. Life seems to have a lot of irony built into it! We all experience irony…


General Meeting, Tue May 11th, “Celebrating Faith & Spirituality in Mental Health Recovery— & the Faith Communities that Make It Possible”

Come to the general meeting to be inspired. We’ll hear testimonials from individuals for whom spirituality is a cornerstone of their wellness and recovery. We’ll see an excerpt from a powerful new movie produced by Congregation Beth Am that documents its mental health support group, Beit R’fuah, House of Healing. We’ll honor twenty congregations in…


NAMI FaithNet Spotlight – Beit R’fuah – House of Healing

NAMI FaithNet is an interfaith resource network striving to educate and support faith leaders in creating a mental health friendly, stigma-free congregations in Santa Clara County. In this blog series, we highlight local faith communities that are commited to this goal. Congregation Beth AM is truly one of Santa Clara County’s pioneers in developing a…


NAMI FaithNet Brings a Guiding Light By Moryt Milo

Spirituality can be a bridge between mental illness and science without proselytizing. This is the role of NAMI FaithNet. Cindy McCalmont, an ordained United Methodist Minister for 15 years, is part of the NAMI Santa Clara County leadership team for FaithNet. She notes that FaithNet is not a religious network. The focus is to assist…


“On Hearing Voices” – A sermon by Rev. Cindy McCalmont

“On Hearing Voices” Reverend Cindy McCalmont Willow Glen United Methodist Church May 5, 2019 Acts 9:1-20 Revelation 5:11-14 Twenty-nine years ago, I heard a voice.  I was a seminary student at the time, praying one morning in Duke Chapel when the voice said: These hands can heal. The voice was so real that my eyes…
