General Meeting, Tuesday, November 14, 2017 Booking/Jail Housing Process, SCC Sheriff’s Office

The Sheriff’s will be presenting an overview of the Main Jail Intake Booking process. Custody staff perform a multitude of functions including photographing, fingerprinting and identifying new arrestees. Part of this process includes the classification and housing of those who will stay in custody, as well as the bail/or process for those who may be…

Tuesday, April 11, 2017 – Dr. Kate Hardey, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis

(June 2017 Newsletter Write-Up) Kate Hardy is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in working with individuals with psychosis in both research and clinical settings. Currently Dr. Hardy is director of the INSPIRE Clinic at Stanford University, providing recovery-oriented care for people with early psychosis. Psychosis exists on a continuum of no psychosis at one…

March 14, 2017 – Jeff Rosen, SCC District Attorney, “Race and Prosecutions in SCC”

“Is there racial unfairness in our criminal justice system? How would we know? If there is racial unfairness, what should be done?” The Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office has completed a three-year study that provides some answers, but raises more questions. Mr. Rosen joined the DA’s Office in 1995 and was elected District Attorney…

DBT Skills Training – Elizabeth Bellows, M.D.

WHEN: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 4-5 P.M “DBT Skills Training“ – Elizabeth Bellows, M.D., invites you to experience DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) Skills Training. It will include demonstrations from 4 skills modules: emotional regulation, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness and mindfulness.. WHEN: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 4-5 P.M. WHERE: NAMI SCC Classroom (1150 S. Bascom Ave,…