The Sheriff’s will be presenting an overview of the Main Jail Intake Booking process. Custody staff perform a multitude of functions including photographing, fingerprinting and identifying new arrestees. Part of this process includes the classification and housing of those who will stay in custody, as well as the bail/or process for those who may be eligible for release.
The Sheriff’s Office has worked with Health and Hospital partners to refine the medical and mental health screening procedures which helps to identify potential treatment needs of those in custody. This is a collaborative effort that involves custody staff, nurses, doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and medical social workers.
Speaking on Nov. 14 will be SCC Sheriff Laurie Smith, Undersheriff/Interim Chief of Correction Carl Neusel and Captain Christopher Grumbos, Main Jail Division Commander.
Join us in the auditorium of Good Samaritan Hospital (main building basement) at 7:30 P.M. for an informational meeting followed by the presentation and Q&A from 8-9 P.M.