Please join us September 10th for our first General Meeting after a two-month summer break. Our meeting will feature a presentation of one of NAMI’s signature programs, “In Our Own Voice.”
In Our Own Voice unmasks mental illness, using speaker stories to illustrate the individual realities of living with mental illness. You gain a better understanding of what it is like to live with mental illness and stay in recovery. NAMI In Our Own Voice can change attitudes, preconceived notions and stereotypes regarding mental illness.
The In Our Own Voice presentation has recently been revised and two very experienced presenters, Robin S. and Sara S., will introduce us to the new format as they share their stories of recovery.
People gather at around 7 P.M. in the auditorium of Good Samaritan Hospital (basement of main building). At 7:15 there will be announcements followed by our speakers from 7:30–8:30.
Good Samaritan is located at:
2425 Samaritan Dr
San Jose, CA 95124
We will be LIVE STREAMING this event from NAMI-SCC Facebook page on Sept 10th from the auditorium.
Upcoming General Meeting Speakers
Oct. 8: Recovery-Based Mental Health Care Larry Powell & Lorraine Zeller
Nov. 12: Medications 101 Majid Talebi