Faith communities can be an incredible source of strength and support for individuals and families dealing with a mental illness diagnosis, so NAMI has developed an intentional outreach designed to give faith leaders more information about mental illness and about programs offered by NAMI, its affiliates, and other agencies.
We’ve had two luncheons so far, with over 40 faith leaders in attendance, and our next luncheon is scheduled for Thursday, May 21st from 11:00 AM-1:00 PM at the NAMI office at 1150 S. Bascom Avenue, S.J., 95128.
Here’s how you can help: do you know a faith leader who might benefit from attending this luncheon and learning more about mental illness and NAMI? If so, would you be willing either to invite him or her or to provide us with contact information?
Space fills quickly, so please email or call our FaithNet coordinator, Reverend Cindy McCalmont. Email: cmccalmont@
Phone: 408-453-0400 Ext. 3035. The deadline for RSVPs is April 17th.