Our April General Meeting will feature an “Ending the Silence” presentation. Helping middle-school and high-school youth understand mental illness can make a big difference.
Moving stories from positive role models have the power to change kids’ views. The discussion gives students the rare opportunity to ask questions about mental health challenges to people who have lived it. The presentation’s message of empathy and hope encourages students to actively care for themselves and their friends. It also teaches them it’s okay to talk about they they’re feeling. NAMI Ending the Silence covers: early warning signs; facts and statistics about youth and mental health conditions; when, where and how to get help for themselves or their friends; when it’s not okay to keep a secret.
Please join us at 7 P.M. in the auditorium of Good Samaritan Hospital (basement of main building). At 7:15 there will be NAMI announcements followed by our speaker from 7:30–8:30. Good Samaritan is located at 2425 Samaritan Dr., San Jose, CA
Upcoming General Meeting Speakers
May 14: Cindy McCalmont
“Creating Mental Health Friendly Congregations”
June 14: Dr. Jong Yoon
Latest Research on Schizophrenia