How Do Different Types of Stressful Experiences Affect Brain Development and Mental Health in Teenagers

Dr. RajPreet Chahal
Dr. Rajpreet Chahal is interested in understanding the roles of specific forms of stress (e.g., abuse and economic disadvantage) on brain development and mental health. In her research study, she describes how the brain develops when faced with different types of stressful experiences and how these experiences affect mental health during the teenage years. She also studies protective factors, including positive family and peer relationships, that might help to build resilience and reduce the effects of stress on the brain and mood. Understanding how specific aspects of the environment shape individuals’ biology and mood is an important step forward in developing person-centered interventions that combat depression and other forms of mental health difficulties.
Dr. Chahal is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Psychology at Stanford University. She earned her PhD at University of California Davis, and is currently funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and the Klingenstein Third Generation Foundation Fellowship in Depression.