October’s General Meeting speaker is Mary Barrea, Housing Coordinator at the Silicon Valley Independent Living Center (SVILC), a disability justice organization that creates fully inclusive communities. SVILC offers a variety of services. Among these are their housing program which assists community members in their search for affordable and accessible housing in Santa Clara County. SVILC offers year-round housing workshops where community members receive an introduction to the work of the center and get training and assistance to navigate the affordable housing application process.
Mary will provide advice on what to expect through the application process, including a review of the application and other documents, information on financial empowerment and managing credit and debt portfolios.
Please join us at 7 P.M. in the auditorium of Good Samaritan Hospital (main building basement).
At 7:15 we will honor Susan Sidel, recently retired therapist (after 35 years) in the SCC Drug Treatment Court for Mental Health, followed by our speaker from 7:30–8:30.
Upcoming General Meeting Speaker
Nov. 13: Carolyn Rodriguez, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor at Stanford University, Improving Outcomes for Mood Disorders
Jan. 8, 2019: Steven Sust, MD
Working with SCC Emergency Psychiatric Services (EPS)