Living and Working with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) is Doable, According to Marjorie Baldwin

By Moryt Milo Life has a funny way of testing one’s mettle. Marjorie Baldwin, then professor at East Carolina University, never imagined her years of research in employment discrimination toward those with disabilities would turn personal. Yet that’s exactly what happened fourteen years into her career when her son was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Baldwin’s work…

Peer Connector

Are you an adult who lives with a mental health condition? Have you graduated from NAMI Peer-To-Peer Class?
We invite you to consider using your lived experience to support others in their journey toward better self-care and more independence. As a Peer Connector, you will be trained to work …

General Meeting, Tue Nov. 9th 2021, Marjorie Baldwin “Living and Working with a Serious Mental Illness”

The stigma associated with serious mental illness affects both persons with mental disorders and their families. Marjorie Baldwin, Professor of Economics at Arizona State University, has experienced that stigma as the parent of a son with schizophrenia, and has studied the impact of mental illness-related stigma in her research on employment discrimination against persons with…