One down, one to go!

One down, one to go! On November 30th, the House overwhelmingly voted 392-26 to pass H.R. 34, which includes Mental Health Reform! H.R. 34 also includes language supporting CIT, mental health courts and investments to keep people with mental illness out of jail and in the care they need. Thank your Representatives who voted yes and tell your Senators…

Questions & Answers

Kim Bullock, M.D. Stanford Department of Psychiatry CBT, DBT Questions & Answers to anything pertaining to psychiatric illnesses Tuesday, February 23, 2016 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. at the NAMI SCC Office (Classroom) 1150 S. Bascom Ave, San Jose 95128 Kim Bullock, M.D. Ad.22888 Attachments Kim Bullock, M.D. Ad.22888 (221 kB)

Webinar on Mental Illness in the Workplace

Supporting those with invisible disabilities Our family, friends, and coworkers Speakers from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) October 7th at Noon, 2nd Floor, Room 1 Webinar access available for those who would like to participate remotely Hosted by DIR’s Health and Wellness Program, Disability Advisory Committee, and Human Resources’ Employee Assistance Program The DIR…

Get to Know NAMI FaithNet

Faith communities can be an incredible source of strength and support for individuals and families dealing with a mental illness diagnosis, so NAMI has developed an intentional outreach designed to give faith leaders more information about mental illness and about programs offered by NAMI, its affiliates, and other agencies. We’ve had two luncheons so far, with over 40…