Emerging Treatment for Schizophrenia, June 2024 blog

Emerging Treatments for Schizophrenia in the Pipeline

After more than 70 years of antipsychotic medications that are mere iterations of earlier discoveries, a door may have cracked open to offer better options for individuals struggling with severe mental illness. There is much more research to be done, said Dr. Jacob Ballon, who specializes in the treatment of individuals with psychotic disorders including schizophrenia and is Co-Director of the INSPIRE Clinic at Stanford.

Mental Health Jobs

In Our Own Voice Presentor

“In Our Own Voice” is a unique public education program developed by NAMI, in which two trained consumer speakers share compelling and personal testimonies of living with and overcoming the challenges posed by mental illness. Audience participation and discussion are encouraged, and a brief video with a variety of stories accompanies the presentation.

Mental Health Job

Ending The Silence Presenter

The Ending the Silence (ETS) presenter’s purpose is to inform high school students of the symptoms and indicators of mental illness as well as explore ways for people to help themselves, friends or family members who may be in need of support.

Youth Program Administrator, Mental Health, NAMI Santa Clara County

Youth Program Administrator

Youth Program Administrator oversees the administration/coordination of all aspects of the ETS (Ending the Silence), Walk In My Shoes & NAMI On Campus. Including planning, organizing, staffing, supervising, outreach, leading and coordinating program activities. This position reports to the Education Manager & works with the Executive Director on a regular basis.

Schizophrenia Updates-Mental Health

General Meeting, May14, Schizophrenia Updates

Dr. Jacob Ballon is our May 14 general meeting presenter. Dr. Ballon will discuss the current pipeline of medications for schizophrenia, focusing on the medications in clinical trials at the Department of Psychiatry at Stanford University. He will touch on the different mechanisms and how that may make for fewer, or at least different, side effect profiles but also why these medications may work well with existing ones.