NAMI Santa Clara County in collaboration with Good Samaritan Hospital brings a reputable community expert to speak about one of the critical areas which directly impact the quality of life for those affected by a mental illness. This monthly General Meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about mental illness.

The General Meeting is held on the second Tuesday of each month (except July, August & December) in the auditorium at Good Samaritan Hospital, 2425 Samaritan Drive, San Jose. Door opens and sign-in begins at 7:00 PM. At 7:15 PM there will be NAMI announcements followed by our speaker from 7:30-8:30 PM.

Due to extended “Shelter-In-Place” public health order, General Meeting will not meet in-person. Instead, the meetings will be live streamed online.

General Meeting, February 11, NAMI Education Programs

NAMI-Santa Clara County offers FREE education programs designed to empower individuals living with mental illness and their families. These classes are led by NAMI-trained teachers who have their own life experience with mental illness. Our programs are offered throughout the year.

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General Meeting, September 10, Learn About NAMI-SCC Helpline

Jeanette Langdell, Helpline Coordinator at NAMI-SCC, is our September 10 General Meeting presenter. Come learn the answers to questions such as: Why is it called a “Helpline”? Who calls us? What kinds of questions do we get? What kind of training does the staff receive?

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General-Meeting, June11, 2024, Ask the Doctor

General Meeting, June 11, Dr. Katherine Taylor: Ask the Doctor

Dr. Katherine Taylor is our June 11 “Ask the Doctor” general meeting presenter. Before she delves into your questions, Dr. Taylor will review recent trends in acute psychiatry being seen at El Camino Hospital. She will discuss the importance of awareness and education regarding the potential mental health risks associated with cannabis and methamphetamine use.…

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Schizophrenia Updates-Mental Health

General Meeting, May14, Schizophrenia Updates

Dr. Jacob Ballon is our May 14 general meeting presenter. Dr. Ballon will discuss the current pipeline of medications for schizophrenia, focusing on the medications in clinical trials at the Department of Psychiatry at Stanford University. He will touch on the different mechanisms and how that may make for fewer, or at least different, side effect profiles but also why these medications may work well with existing ones.

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General Meeting, April 9, Mood and Menopause

Dr. Karen Adams will discuss what is known about the links between major depression, generalized anxiety, and perimenopausal/menopausal mood instability. She will also address how menopause affects those with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

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General Meeting, March 12, TRUST

What is TRUST? How and when did TRUST start? How to use TRUST? Who makes up the TRUST team? TRUST (Trusted Response Urgent Support Team) is a community service that helps Santa Clara County residents during an urgent mental health or substance-use situation. TRUST’s team of responders includes behavioral health staff from community organizations. Team…

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General Meeting, February 13, The State of Youth Mental Health

The media has been reporting on our youth mental health crisis. What is the current emotional health of teens? What tools are available to support our youth? What does school-based counseling look like and why is it effective? Marico Sayoc, our February general meeting presenter, will discuss youth mental health and answer these questions and…

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General Meeting, November 14, Special Needs Trusts

Mark Gilfix, a special needs planning expert and partner at Gilfix & La Poll Associates, will discuss how to set up a Special Needs Trust for loved ones with a mental illness. He will explain how establishing such a trust prevents individuals from losing their public benefits—SSI and SSDI. Gilfix is a nationally published author…

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General Meeting, October 10, The Science of Nutrition

Dr. María José Hummel’s presentation will cover the nutritional and lifestyle factors that affect the brain as well as the different diseases and conditions that affect the brain, such as mood disorders (depression and anxiety) and neurological disorders (such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease). Evidence-based information is given about what nutrients have been shown to…

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General Meeting, September 12, The Importance of Peer Support

The focus of the September General Meeting will be on the importance of peer support. Dr. Ken Duckworth, NAMI National Chief Medical Officer, will talk about how those with lived experience are a critical part of helping individuals struggling with severe mental illness work through their challenges and weather a crisis. In his book You…

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General Meeting, Tuesday May 9th, 2023, Dr. Po Wang on Bipolar Disorders

Dr. Po Wang will cover the course of illness for bipolar disorders (emphasizing the depressive component) and will discuss the newest medication options, and how they differ from earlier treatment options. Bipolar disorders treatment has come a long way since the discovery of lithium in 1949. Treatment options and outcomes for bipolar disorders were limited and similar to schizophrenia prior to the 1990s’ “decade of the brain.”

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The Independent Living Empowerment Project (ILEP)

The Independent Living Empowerment Project (ILEP) is a new program to Santa Clara County by the Independent Living Association (ILA) and Community Health Improvement Partners (CHIP). Independent Living Homes provide a shared living environment for individuals with mental health challenges, various disabilities, and low income. The mission of the ILEP is to support Independent Living…

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General Meeting, Tuesday January 10 2023, An Overview of CARE

CARE is a compassionate civil court process that provides individuals with schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders with a clinically appropriate, community-based set of services and supports that are culturally and linguistically competent. Stephanie Welch, Deputy Secretary of Behavioral Health for the California Health and Human Services (CalHHS) Agency, will provide an overview of CARE,…

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General Meeting, Tuesday October 11, 2022. Momentum for Health in the Community

Bindu Khurana-Brown will be presenting on the wide continuum of services offered by Momentum for Health. Momentum for Health is the largest provider of behavioral health services to adults in Santa Clara County and understands the complexity that comes alongside working with those who have serious mental illness. The program offerings include a wide variety…

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General Meeting, Tuesday, September 13, 2022, Jail and Court Family Support

My family member has been arrested. What do I do? This question, along with others, will be answered in the presentation on September 13: Jail and Court Family Support. Kathy Burden and Carol DeCarvalho needed to answer this question after their loved ones were arrested. Both of their sons have underlying mental health issues that…

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General Meeting, Tue Mar. 8, 2022, Dr. Rajpreet Chahal “How Do Different Types of Stressful Experiences Affect Brain Development and Mental Health in Teenagers”

How Do Different Types of Stressful Experiences Affect Brain Development and Mental Health in Teenagers Dr. Rajpreet Chahal is interested in understanding the roles of specific forms of stress (e.g., abuse and economic disadvantage) on brain development and mental health. In her research study, she describes how the brain develops when faced with different types…

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General Meeting, Tue Nov. 9th 2021, Marjorie Baldwin “Living and Working with a Serious Mental Illness”

The stigma associated with serious mental illness affects both persons with mental disorders and their families. Marjorie Baldwin, Professor of Economics at Arizona State University, has experienced that stigma as the parent of a son with schizophrenia, and has studied the impact of mental illness-related stigma in her research on employment discrimination against persons with…

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General Meeting, Tue June 8th, “Housing That Heals”

Our June speakers, Teresa Pasquini & Lauren Rettagliata, will present their “Housing That Heals” story—a call to action that encourages local, state, and federal policy makers and community partners to think beyond the Housing First model and focus first on building a continuum of care for those who live with serious mental illnesses. Housing That…

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General Meeting, Tue May 11th, “Celebrating Faith & Spirituality in Mental Health Recovery— & the Faith Communities that Make It Possible”

Come to the general meeting to be inspired. We’ll hear testimonials from individuals for whom spirituality is a cornerstone of their wellness and recovery. We’ll see an excerpt from a powerful new movie produced by Congregation Beth Am that documents its mental health support group, Beit R’fuah, House of Healing. We’ll honor twenty congregations in…

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General Meeting, Tue Jan 12th, Suicide Prevention

The January 12, 2021 presentation by Mego Lien will showcase the County of Santa Clara’s Suicide Prevention (SP) Program, which was developed in 2010 in response to a cluster of suicides that took place in Palo Alto high schools. With the overall goal of reducing and preventing suicides in Santa Clara County, the SP Program applies a community-wide, preventative, and public health approach to the issue of suicide.

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General Meeting, Tue Nov 10th, Impacts Of Vicarious Trauma

Our upcoming General Meeting speakers are with El Camino Hospital’s Scrivner Center for Mental Health and Addiction Services. Brianne Baker, LMFT, is Adult Outpatient Manager and Laura Tannenwald, LMFT, is Senior Program Therapist of Addiction Services. They will talk about the impacts of vicarious trauma and what you can do about it. The pandemic has…

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Personalized Treatments for Mood Disorders – Dr. Leanne Williams

Dr. Leanne Williams, Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine, will be presenting “Personalized Treatments for Mood Disorders.” Through the advancements in neuroscience, neuroimaging, technology and digital innovation, researchers have been able to better understand the brain, detect mental disorders, tailor interventions and promote wellness. Dr. Williams will discuss the…

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Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services

We’re starting our Fall lineup with the Interim and Deputy Directors of SCC Behavioral Health Services and Valley Medical Center’s COO-Behavioral Health Services. They will discuss how COVID-19 has affected the mental health system and its programs, and how they are working together to improve systems of care. Sherri Terao, Interim Director, Santa Clara County…

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General Meeting, Tuesday April 14th, “Ask The Therapist” Teleconference

Meet Lesa Pescali in an “ASK THE THERAPIST” Teleconference Lesa has her Master’s Degree in Psychology, Counseling and Education from Santa Clara University. For the past 16 years she has been working with clients suffering from neurological disabilities as well as veterans suffering from PTSD and other mental health conditions. Lesa also works with families…

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General Meeting, Tuesday, February 11, 2020 Overview of Schizophrenia

Dr. Matt Lilly will provide an overview of schizophrenia, with a focus on its potential causes, risk factors, and treatment options. A question and answer period will follow. Dr. Lilly hails from Newfoundland, Canada, where he completed his medical school and psychiatry residency training, followed by a fellowship in geriatric psychiatry at the Mayo Clinic…

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General Meeting, Tuesday, January 14, 2020 Alternatives to Hospitalization

At our first general meeting of 2020, we will hear about the Crisis Stabilization Unit and Blackbird House. On Jan. 14, 2020 our presenters will be Bindu Khurana-Brown, LMFT, manager of the Crisis Stabilization Unit; along with William Couch Jr., Peer Support Lead, and Tamra Chavez, Director, at Blackbird House. The Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU),…

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General Meeting, Tue., Nov. 12 — Motivational Interviewing, Brianne Baker

The speaker for our November General Meeting is Brianne Baker, LMFT, Adult Outpatient Manager at El Camino Hospital’s new Scrivner Center. She will tell us about Motivational Interviewing, discussing how this approach is used to engage people in making behavior changes that support health and wellness. Motivational Interviewing was created by William Miller and Stephen…

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General Meeting, Tue., Oct. 8 – Transformational & Recovery-Based Care

The speakers for our October General Meeting are Lorraine Zeller and Larry Powell. Lorraine Zeller, CPRP is a Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Mental Health Peer Support Worker and ACCESS CA Ambassador. Lorraine will share results of a statewide survey measuring factors important to clients in their recovery, the use of recovery outcomes data in…

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General Meeting, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2019 – “In Our Own Voice”

Please join us September 10th for our first General Meeting after a two-month summer break. Our meeting will feature a presentation of one of NAMI’s signature programs, “In Our Own Voice.” In Our Own Voice unmasks mental illness, using speaker stories to illustrate the individual realities of living with mental illness. You gain a better…

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General Meeting – June 11th – Latest Research on Schizophrenia

At every General Meeting you can join us LIVE on our Facebook page if you are not able to attend! Dr. Jong Yoon will present about two new neuroimaging studies of schizophrenia being conducted at Stanford. Each study involves novel approaches for measuring brain differences that may serve as markers or clues to the mechanism…

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General Meeting-May 14 “Creating Mental Health Friendly Congregations”

For many years individuals have been working to make faith communities more open to and supportive of people with mental health challenges as well as their families. Our May 14th General Meeting will feature a panel of speakers from current partners of NAMI-Santa Clara County’s FaithNet, who are educating and motivating their congregations. Our panel…

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General Meeting – April 9th “Ending the Silence” Presentation

Our April General Meeting will feature an “Ending the Silence” presentation. Helping middle-school and high-school youth understand mental illness can make a big difference. Moving stories from positive role models have the power to change kids’ views. The discussion gives students the rare opportunity to ask questions about mental health challenges to people who have…

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General Meeting March 12 – Self-Care for Caregivers

Nicole Steward, MSW will be our March General Meeting speaker. Nicole believes that being a caregiver has its rewards and challenges. For many of us, as we care for others, we carry much of their struggle within us, which can cause burnout. The presentation will share information on how we carry the needs of others in our bodies along with some practical self-care tools to help us thrive as we care for others.

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General Meeting – Jan 8, 7 to 9 PM – Working with Emergency Psychiatric Services (EPS) – 7:15 honoring Toni Tullys

Please join us at 7 P.M. in the auditorium of Good Samaritan Hospital (main building basement). At 7:15 we will honor Toni Tullys, Director of New Behavioral Health Department with a 2018 Community Merit Award, Refreshments will be served! Working with Emergency Psychiatric Services (EPS) January’s General Meeting speaker will be Steven Sust, MD from Santa Clara Valley Medical Center’s Emergency…

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NAMI-SCC General Meeting Nov. 2018

November’s General Meeting speaker is Carolyn Rodriguez, MD, PhD at Stanford. She will discuss OCD treatment advances. Standard first-line treatments for OCD may not provide sufficient relief of OCD symptoms for all those seeking care; thus, there is an urgent need for alternative treatments. Dr. Rodriguez will summarize her recent work in novel medication, therapy…

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October 9th General Meeting: Mary Barrea, Independent Living Center (SVILC)

October’s General Meeting speaker is Mary Barrea, Housing Coordinator at the Silicon Valley Independent Living Center (SVILC), a disability justice organization that creates fully inclusive communities. SVILC offers a variety of services. Among these are their housing program which assists community members in their search for affordable and accessible housing in Santa Clara County. SVILC offers…

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General Meeting, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018 – Barbara Loebner and Gary Loebner

September’s General Meeting speakers will be Barbara and Gary Loebner. Barbara, an experienced attorney and Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, will discuss the importance of basic estate plan documents to managing your long-term needs and those of your children. You will learn how planning can avoid probate and how to authorize people you trust to…

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General Meeting, Tuesday, May 8, 2018 Community Living Coalition

Community Living Coalition, Panel Presentation May’s general meeting presentation will focus on the Community Living Coalition, a collaboration between independent living home operators, peer providers and other behavioral health providers, residents, family members and community stakeholders. The panel will: Introduce the problem resulting in the need for independent living coalitions and the status of coalitions…

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General Meeting, Tuesday, February 13, 2018

General Meeting, Tuesday, February 13, 2018 Dr. Nolan Williams, Transcranial Magnetic Brain Stimulation Therapy People with severe depression are experiencing hopeful results with brain-stimulation treatment Our February speaker, Dr. Nolan Williams, a psychiatrist and neurologist, is the director of Stanford’s Brain Stimulation Laboratory. Dr. Williams and his associate, Dr. Keith Sudheimer, are conducting a unique…

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General Meeting, Tuesday, January 9th, 2018

Our January 2018 speaker, Michael Mantz, MD, MH, will be discussing the latest science on what goes into creating a strong brain, mind and nervous system. He will talk about how recent scientific evidence demonstrates that what we eat, how we sleep, who we connect with, how we feel, and how we move our bodies…

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Tuesday, October 10, 2017 General Meeting  

“In Our Own Voice” Presentation   Through the live stories of two presenters, In Our Own Voice explores the reality of living with mental illness. Speaking from their own lived experiences, the presenters walk audience through five chapters of recovery: Dark Days; Acceptance; Treatment; Coping Skills & Successes; Hopes & Dreams. As they do so, the presenters…

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General Meeting, Tuesday, June 13, 2017 Soo Jung, SCC Supportive Housing

Soo Jung, MA, is a Senior Manager of the Office of Supportive Housing for Santa Clara County. In this role, she oversees the Permanent Supportive Housing Program, manages housing resources and services, and streamlines referrals to provide support to the most vulnerable and chronically homeless individuals in the county. Soo has been working for Santa…

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May 9, 2017 General Meeting – All About CIT and 5150

Kathryn Parlet and Police Officer Juan de Dios Tovar are our May general meeting speakers. Ms. Parlet will provide up-to-date information about 5150 and the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) program and will answer questions. San Jose Police Officer Juan de Dios Tovar is very well known in the community who helps with mental health concerns. He is…

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General Meeting, Tuesday, February 14, 2017 – Dr. Kim Bullock

  Dr. Kim Bullock is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine. She is also Director of the Neurobehavioral &Virtual Reality Clinics. Last February Dr. Bullock presented to a standing- room-only audience at the NAMI SCC office and she has graciously agreed to present…

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Lectures by Sir Robin Murray

Renowned British researcher Sir Robin MacGregor Murray, MD, will be giving four public lectures in the SF Bay Area. Dr. Murray is the professor of Psychiatric Research at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College, London and one of the most influential researchers in psychiatry today.  All events are free. Download printable PDF file “Psychosis: Update on…

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Dual Diagnosis – Substance Use Disorder Counseling – Felicia Hermle

Dual Diagnosis and why integrated treatment is not only important but necessary was the topic. Felicia Hermle is a Substance Use Disorder Counselor at Family & Children Services of Silicon Valley is the speaker. She believes that this is a very exciting time to be in this field because we are slowly but surely making  headway…

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NAMIWalks Silicon Valley

NAMIWalks Silicon Valley We welcome anyone interested in joining our NAMIWalks SV SCC committee. We are working on all the details of the walk, and welcome your participation. For more information: Contact Walk Manager: Shanna Webb 408.453.0400 x3125 FAX 408.453.2100 For general volunteer information click here. Attachments NAMIWalks_silicon_valley (23 kB)SVfoot_med (25 kB)

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March 8, 2016 – Ask the Doctor, Rona Hu, M.D

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Rona Hu will be our March General Meeting speaker. Dr. Hu is a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. Dr. Hu has been at Stanford since 1998. Her main interest is schizophrenia, but she also sees those with bipolar disorder and…

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Gen Meeting Residents’ Rights Workshop February 9, 2016

Disability Rights California and the Consumer Affairs program under Santa Clara County Behavioral Health will present a Residents’ Rights Workshop. This workshop will focus on informing consumers and families about their rights in licensed adult residential facilities (board and care homes), as well as relevant landlord tenant protections in licensed and unlicensed community facilities. The…

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General Meeting: Creativity and Mental Illness, Dr. Sheri Johnson – Jan 12, 2016

Dr. Sheri Johnson will describe biographical & experimental studies on mood disorders and creativity. Particularly clear evidence suggests that creativity, of many different forms, is high among family members of those with bipolar disorder and those with minor experiences of manic symptoms. Mechanisms and theories about this link will be described. Dr. Johnson is a…

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Silicon Valley Independent Living Center Services Workshop – Jan 26, 2016, 4-5 pm

Overview and Housing Search & Assistance  Description: This one hour workshop will provide an overview of SVILC’s services to the cross-disability community in Santa Clara County and in-depth housing search assistance including; • Basic overview of tenant/landlord rights and responsibilities • SVILC resources for conducting an effective housing search • Community resources available for housing…

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General Meeting: June 2015

June: Presentaton: Treatment for People with Psychotic Disorders Speaker: Dr. Jacob Ballon — Santa Clara Valley Medical Center NAMI Santa Clara County in collaboration with Good Samaritan Hospital brings a reputable community expert to speak about one of the critical areas which directly impact the quality of life for those affected by a mental illness. This monthly…

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General Meeting – Treatment for People with Psychotic Disorders

Treatment for People with Psychotic Disorders Speaker: Dr. Jacob Ballon Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Where: Good Samaritan Hospital Auditorium 2425 Samaritan Dr, San Jose When: Tuesday, June 9th, 2015 at 7:00PM—9:00PM Dr. Jacob Ballon is Director of the INSPIRE Clinic at Stanford that focuses on treating people with psychotic disorders and those at risk.…

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General Meeting: May 2015

NAMI Santa Clara County in collaboration with Good Samaritan Hospital brings a reputable community expert to speak about one of the critical areas which directly impact the quality of life for those affected by a mental illness. This monthly General Meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about mental illness. The General Meeting is…

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General Meeting, March 2015: Michael Fitzgerald

NAMI Santa Clara County in collaboration with Good Samaritan Hospital brings a reputable community expert to speak about one of the critical areas which directly impact the quality of life for those affected by a mental illness. This monthly General Meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about mental illness. The General Meeting is…

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General Meeting, February 2015: Presentation by Dr Sandra Macias

NAMI Santa Clara County in collaboration with Good Samaritan Hospital brings a reputable community expert to speak about one of the critical areas which directly impact the quality of life for those affected by a mental illness. This monthly General Meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about mental illness. The General Meeting is…

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General Meeting, January 2015: Presentation by Dr Victoria Stanton

NAMI Santa Clara County in collaboration with Good Samaritan Hospital brings a reputable community expert to speak about one of the critical areas which directly impact the quality of life for those affected by a mental illness. This monthly General Meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about mental illness. The General Meeting is…

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